Flomodia Talks (FR)

Create a strong and engaged audience ft. Victor Habchy

Published on Nov. 7 2023

Building an audience today is more than important... and that's why we decided to organize a DOERSTALK on the subject.

We know how important and game-changing it is to have an engaged audience, because we're lucky enough to experience it every day with Flomodia (and it's an incredible thrill ❤️).

For this talk on audience creation, we went looking for you for a crack in the field: Victor Habchy.

Victor creates content on a personal basis and also launched Le Guide Ultime, the number 1 food media in Paris.

He now has over 4M subscribers across all platforms. 🤯

In addition to having an audience that is ultra-engaged, he has succeeded where many creators & businesses struggle: monetizing his audience.

By the end of the talk, you'll know how to build an audience (whether for yourself or for your business) and, above all, how to monetize it.