Flomodia Talks (FR)

How to make a living from your passion? Full Guide ft. Alex Vizeo

Published on Nov. 19 2023

How to make a living from your passion?

Today, we live in a world where it's possible to make a very good living from your passion... yet many people still do things they don't like... just for a living.

Whatever your passion, you need to know that you can really make a living from it.

When you know that there are goat breeders who make a very good living from their passion, you think that making a living from travel, an instrument, a skill, a passion or whatever is not impossible.

There are a few rules to follow, however.

That's exactly what Alex Vizeo, our speaker for this 13th DOERSTALK, is going to share with you.

He'll be sharing his method for making a living from his passion.