Vraie de Vrai

Ahmed Chaieb: Being a boss at 15 and ending up selling two companies, one of them for several million euros

Published on Nov. 18 2021

Running your first business with a team of 3 people at 16? Then building up two companies to sell later.

Today, we're off to meet Ahmed Chaieb!

A doer at heart, he started his first business at a very young age in Tunisia, where he ran a car wash. His next adventure was in transport, where he developed his first company, which he sold for €500K.

One thing led to another, and he went on to found Box2Home and work with Ikea, Conforama, join the LeBonCoin incubator, go through 1000 galleys to manage to pull his head out of the water after the confinements and make crazy growth.